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Outdated content: The tokens listed in the table are from v10 but will be updated soon. For now, check out v11 elements preview to see the v11 tokens and values.

Tokens by theme

Core color tokens

  • Default page background
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Primary interactive color;
  • Primary buttons
  • Blue 60
  • #0f62fe
  • Secondary interactive color;
  • Secondary button
  • Gray 80
  • #393939
  • 4.5:1 AA contrast;
  • Tertiary button
  • Blue 60
  • #0f62fe
  • 3:1 AA contrast;
  • Selected elements;
  • Active elements;
  • Accent icons
  • Blue 60
  • #0f62fe
  • Danger button background;
  • 3:1 AA contrast
  • Red 60
  • #da1e28
  • Danger button variant;
  • Text;
  • Icon;
  • Border
  • Red 60
  • #da1e28
  • Container background on $ui-background;
  • Secondary page background
  • Gray 10
  • #f4f4f4
  • Container background on $ui-01;
  • `Light` variant background
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Subtle border;
  • Tertiary background
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • 3:1 aa element contrast;
  • Medium contrast border
  • Gray 50
  • #8d8d8d
  • 4.5:1 aa element contrast;
  • High contrast border;
  • Emphasis elements
  • Gray 100
  • #161616
  • 3:1 aa element contrast;
  • Fluid button separator
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • “Light” variant elements
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • Primary text;
  • Body copy;
  • Headers;
  • Hover text color for $text-02
  • Gray 100
  • #161616
  • Secondary text;
  • Input labels
  • Gray 70
  • #525252
  • Placeholder text
  • Gray 40
  • #a8a8a8
  • Text on interactive colors
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Tertiary text;
  • Help text
  • Gray 60
  • #6f6f6f
  • Error message text
  • Red 60
  • #da1e28
  • Primary links;
  • Ghost button
  • Blue 60
  • #0f62fe
  • Secondary link color for lower contrast backgrounds
  • Blue 70
  • #0043ce
  • Links on $inverse-02 backgrounds
  • Blue 40
  • #78a9ff
  • Primary icons
  • Gray 100
  • #161616
  • Secondary icons
  • Gray 70
  • #525252
  • Icons on interactive colors;
  • Icons on non-ui colors
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Default input fields;
  • Fields on $ui-backgrounds
  • Gray 10
  • #f4f4f4
  • “Light” variant input fields;
  • Fields on $ui-01 backgrounds
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • Inverse text color;
  • Inverse icon color
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • High contrast backgrounds;
  • High contrast elements
  • Gray 80
  • #393939
  • Error
  • Red 60
  • #da1e28
  • Success
  • Green 60
  • #198038
  • Warning
  • Yellow
  • #f1c21b
  • Information
  • Blue 70
  • #0043ce
  • Danger in high contrast moments
  • Red 50
  • #fa4d56
  • Success in high contrast moments
  • Green 40
  • #42be65
  • Warning in high contrast moments
  • Yellow
  • #f1c21b
  • Information in high contrast moments
  • Blue 50
  • #4589ff
  • Background overlay
  • Gray 100
  • #161616 @ 50%

Interactive color tokens

  • Focus border;
  • Focus underline
  • Blue 60
  • #0f62fe
  • Focus on high contrast moments
  • White
  • #ffffff
  • $interactive-01 hover
  • Blue 60 hover
  • #0353e9
  • $interactive-01 text hover
  • Blue 70
  • #0043ce
  • $interactive-02 hover
  • Gray 80 hover
  • #4c4c4c
  • $interactive-03 hover;
  • $inverse-01 hover
  • Blue 60 hover
  • #0353e9
  • $ui-01 hover;
  • $ui-02 hover;
  • Transparent background hover
  • Gray 10 hover
  • #e5e5e5
  • “Light” variant hover
  • Gray 10 hover
  • #e5e5e5
  • Selected row hover
  • Gray 20 hover
  • #cacaca
  • Danger hover;
  • $support-01 hover
  • Red 60 hover
  • #ba1b23
  • Row hover
  • Gray 10 hover
  • #e5e5e5
  • Hover for $inverse-02
  • Gray 80 hover
  • #4c4c4c
  • $interactive-01 active
  • Blue 80
  • #002d9c
  • $interactive-02 active;
  • $inverse-01 active
  • Gray 60
  • #6f6f6f
  • $interactive-03 active
  • Blue 80
  • #002d9c
  • $ui-01 active;
  • $ui-02 active
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • “Light” variant active
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Danger active;
  • $support-01 active
  • Red 80
  • #750e13
  • Selected UI elements
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • “Light” variant selected
  • Gray 20
  • #e0e0e0
  • $interactive-01 highlight
  • Blue 20
  • #d0e2ff
  • Skeleton state of graphics
  • Gray 10 hover
  • #e5e5e5
  • Skeleton state of texts
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Visited links
  • Purple 60
  • #8a3ffc
  • Disabled fields;
  • Disabled backgrounds;
  • Disabled border
  • Gray 10
  • #f4f4f4
  • Disabled elements on $disabled-01;
  • Disabled label;
  • Disabled text on $disabled-01;
  • Disabled icons;
  • Disabled border
  • Gray 30
  • #c6c6c6
  • Disabled text on $disabled-02;
  • Disabled icons on $disabled-02
  • Gray 50
  • #8d8d8d